lördag 22 december 2012

Christmas blue

I don't seem to have anything to say or show on this blog, but I will try to make an effort, to activate myself as a thinking, feeling artist and person. Starting with the Christmas feeling I'm not feeling right now. But should be? Or can I choose not to? My life is out of focus like this blobs of light in the twilight. Hope I can change that eventually. Merry Christmas to you all...

måndag 15 mars 2010

The waiting

How can life be so blue and so sunny at the same time, everything changes from one moment to the next. It's confusing. Longing for summernights, a calm and clear mind.

måndag 26 januari 2009

The beginning

How blue can blue be? I feel as blue as the twilight outside right now. Lighting candles to fight the darkness that surrounds me.